Author Submission Instructions
The following documents should be submitted as seperate files:
Cover letter
Title page
Cover letter
Cover letter should include information on what new findings the manuscript contributes to the literature.
Title page
Because a blind review process is used, authors' names should only appear on the title page and not anywhere else within the manuscript or other documents. The title page should present the following information:
The title page should include:
- Title: The title should be composed as a single declarative statement and focused on the results presented in the manuscript.
- The names and credentials of all authors (first name, middle initial, last name) and their affiliations (at the time the research was completed). Include ORCID iD if available.
- Statement of author contributions-Authors must indicate their contributions to the work described in the manuscript (e.g., RS, JH, and MLS collected the data. RS and JH wrote the first draft with contributions from HW. All authors reviewed and commented on subsequent drafts of the manuscript).
- Statement of potential conflict of Interest and Funding Disclosure – List separately for each author. If an author has no conflicts of interest, list the author's name, followed by "no conflicts of interest."
- Funding/support: Please indicate any funding sources used to complete the research.
- Corresponding Author name, mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address
- The word count for the entire manuscript (introduction through discussion).
- The number of figures.
- The number of tables.
- A running title of 50 or fewer characters and spaces.
The manuscript file should contain an abstract, the main text and list of referenes, Line numbers should be used starting with the abstract.
Research articles must include a structured abstract that contains no more than 300 words, is written in complete sentences, includes information pertinent to any clinical trial registry in which a trial is registered, and uses the following headings:
Background. Provide 1 or 2 sentences that explain the context of the study.
Objective. State the precise objective, the specific hypothesis to be tested, or both.
Methods. Describe the study design, including specific procedures or statistical procedures.
Results. Report the most important findings, including key data and results of statistical analyses.
Conclusions. Summarize in 1 or 2 sentences the primary outcomes of the study, including their potential importance (avoid generalizations).
Authors should also provide a word count for the abstract.
Below the abstract, provide 3–6 keywords or short phrases that represent the main issues discussed in the study.
Main Text
Please do not add any headers/footers to each page (other than the page number).
Tables and figures should be submitted as separate files and not included in the main text.
Abbreviations must be defined at first mention.
Main headings should include “Background/Introduction”, “Methods”, “Results”, “Conclusion" and "Discussion”.
References/citation style
When preparing manuscripts for submission in the International Journal of Health, Nutrition and Exercise Science, authors should follow the guidelines in the AMA Manual of Style, 11th edition. Manuscripts will be summarily rejected if they do not follow the AMA guidelines.
If available, authors should add the DOI ("digital object identifier" number unique to the publication) to each reference. It should be included immediately after the citation in the References. See below for an example:
Kimokoti RW, Judd SE, Shikany JM, Newby PK. Metabolically healthy obesity is not associated with food intake in White or Black Men. J Nutr 2015 Sep 30 (Epub ahead of print; DOI: doi:10.3945/jn.115.221283).
The title of figures and tables should be detailed enough so that they fully describel the data being presented (i.e., should include any relevant details so that the title is sufficeient for assisting to interpret the data outside the context of the main text).
Titles of figures and tables should be written in sentence case (i.e., only the first word and proper nouns should be capitalized).
Figures should be created in Microsoft Excel or saved as TIFF or JPEG files. Each figure should include a caption and a legend as appropriate.
Each table should be put on a separate page, including title and footnotes.
All tables, table titles, and footnotes must be grouped together on pages separate from the body of the text.