Author Submission Instructions

Title page

Because a double-blind review process is used, authors' names and any other identifying information should only appear on the title page and not anywhere else within the manuscript or other documents.


The title page should include:

Title: Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.

Author names: Use the following format to present author names: Last name, middle initial, first name. Type names in the order that they should appear in the author list.

Author affiliations: Please list institution/department (where author was employed at the time the research was done).

Conflict of interests: List separately for each author. If there are none, then please include a statement that states that authors have no conflicts of interest to report.

Running title: Please provide a short title of less than 50 characters (counting letters and spaces).



All manuscripts must be preceded by an abstract of no more than 150-200 words and a list of three to six keywords.

The following headings should be used in the abstract:

Background—Provide information about the rationale/context of the study.

Purpose—State the specific objective of the study.

Methods—Provide a brief presentation of study design, sample description and size, and key methods, including statistical methods utilized.

Results—Present a statement of the key results, including results of statistical analyses.

Conclusions—Provide a succinct statement of the primary outcomes, including how the results add to the current body of literature.

Authors should provide a list of 3-6 keywords that represent the main issues discussed in the study.

Authors should also provide a word count for the abstract.


Main Text
  1. Please do not add any headers/footers to each page (other than the page number). Headings are text only (not numbered) and are formatted according to level.
  2. Tables and figures should be submitted as separate files and not included in the main text.
  3. Abbreviations must be defined at first mention.
  4. Main headings should include “Background/Introduction”, “Review of Literature”, “Methods”, “Data Analysis/Statistics”, “Results”, and “Conclusion/Discussion”.
    • PRIMARY HEADING: Centered, title-style capitalization (first letter of each word), and bold, with an extra return before and after.
    • SECONDARY HEADING: Flush left with title-style capitalization (first letter of each word) and in both boldface and italics. You must have at least two sections beginning with a secondary heading; if there is only one, the heading should be excluded.
    • TERTIARY HEADING: Left justified and indented with sentence-style capitalization (first word only) in italics. Punctuate the heading with a period and begin the first line of the same section on the same line. If only one tertiary heading is used, the heading should be excluded.


References/citation style

When preparing manuscripts for submission in the International Journal of Education, Teaching and Learning, authors should follow the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition; Manuscripts will be summarily rejected if they do not follow the APA guidelines.


In text reference citations must be accurate concerning dates of publication and spelling of author names, and they must cross-check with those in the reference list.


For the reference list, if there are more than 6 authors, the first 6 author names are listed followed by et al. If there are 6 authors or fewer, all author names should be listed.

Each reference should be on a separate line ending in a period.



Figures should be created in Microsoft Excel or saved as TIFF or JPEG files. Each figure should include a caption and a legend as appropriate.


Each table should be put on a separate page, including title and footnotes.

All tables, figure captions, and footnotes must be grouped together on pages separate from the body of the text.



Authors can acknowledge individuals who have contributed to the research, but may not have fulfilled requirements to be listed as an author. Authors should also use this section to list any funding that was used to complete the research.


Author biography

Biographies of the first author and/or the corresponding author should include educational background, and institution.